You Can Make Money Online - Sifting Through the Scams by Jim C Gaceta

Are you frustrated with all the programs out there that offer you the world and beyond but actually give you nothing in return. I believe I was just like yourself a few years ago. I spent countless hours and hundreds, even thousands of dollars on every new internet marketing program that offered me a life of riches and sandy beaches. I finally got so frustrated that I was losing my money and not making one red cent that I had to figure out why I wasn't succeeding.

Truth be known, there are many good reliable programs and sources to make money on the internet. There are actually some really good sources with "blueprints" and step by step instructions on how to make your first dollar online. These are the programs that will work for you. If you can read and write, then you can make money on the internet. I am here to tell you that you can make a decent living working from home with just an internet connection, a computer and a good work ethic.

There are different ways that you can make money from home. Here are a few ways to make money online.

  1. Affiliate marketing: this is where a business rewards one or more affiliates to promote their products or services for a percentage of the sale. There are many different ways to become an affiliate. There are many different places where you can become an affiliate. Some examples are Commission Junction where you can become an affiliate of large brick an mortar companies such as Wal-Mart. Most internet marketers only promote online products such as ebooks and software. Many people use Clickbank for the e-products to sell as it is the largest and most well know affiliate network around.
  2. Creating your own e-book or electronic product: I know what you are thinking, I don't know how to create or write an ebook. It really is not that difficult to write an ebook on something that you have extensive knowledge or passion about. If you can create an ebook on a specific niche, then you can actually get affiliates to promote it for you to help you with the selling. You can find out a tonne of information on creating your own ebook if you just Google it.
  3. eBay: There are thousands of people that are still pulling in $1000's of dollars a month selling personal items, electronics, ebooks etc. Many people use dropshippers who will ship your products to your customers directly and only require payment when your customers order, so there are no out of pocket fees or storage fees.

This is just a small taste of how you can actually make money online. Please keep in mind, all of these methods are just the vehicles to achieve success. The methods still require a driver, you have full control of how much or how little you make on many of the legitimate programs. With that said, there are some things to look out for.

Tips for avoiding scams

  • Data Entry Scams: There are many data entry "jobs" out there, but none of them will pay you thousands a month to do so. When you read that you can be making huge amounts of cash with just inputting a few lines of text, you are more than likely getting caught up in Pay-per-click advertising. Although the method itself can make you fast cash, you really have to know what you are doing. More often than not, a beginner ends up losing way more money than they will ever make.
  • Paid Survey Sites: Please do not get me wrong. There are legitimate Survey sites that will actually pay you for your opinion. However, it is my experience that you pay a small fee, usually about $35 dollars for a list of companies that will accept your surveys. In all of these programs, all of the sites seem to be the same and you must register with each company to get anywhere. You are then inundated with emails from this company to fill out sites that are mostly reward points and not actually cash. You would be better off to avoid these types of sites.
  • Envelope stuffing: Sites or ads that say you can make $2000 a day or week stuffing envelopes usually end up being letters with the same ads or material that you just read. Usually you must first send in a "small fee" . Once the fee is received, they often tell you to place the same ads or send out the same letter to a mailing list (which you purchase). The only way you make money is if someone responds to your mailings.

In conclusion, there are many different ways to make money online using the internet. There are also 100 fold the amount of scams out there. Be diligent in your decisions to purchase a product. Usually products that "hold your hand" or give you a blueprint for making money are sure bets...only if you put in the time, work and effort. None of these programs work if you are lazy and expect money to pour in. You must be persistent in your efforts, if something doesn't work right away, do not give up. That is why 95% of people fail at their online efforts. They lack discipline and motivation. Don't fall into that category.

Jim C Gaceta has been testing and reviewing online and offline programs for a number of years.


Ways to Make Money Online Fast by Dan Chapman

There are many ways to make money online, the idea of making money online looks attractive for two primary reasons. The first being the fact that when you are making money online you have a flexible schedule, you don't need to put In 9-5 to make a few bucks a day rather you can even get up at 12 in the afternoon one day and at 9 in the morning the next and still make more than what you were. The different ways to make money online gives you flexibility and freedom that comes with working beyond borders.

There are various ways to make money online depending on your area of expertise and your education. If you have a special skill, such as if you are a php programmer or a web designer, you can easily make around $20 or more an hour online, depending on how you plan to work, and how much you work. Below are some of the best ways to make money online.

Start a Blog

Blogging is the in thing nowadays and everyone seems to be rushing towards getting their own blog. But why would anyone just want to write? The answer is simple blogging pays, a simple blog that just has an interesting mix of information can pull in several hundred visitors a day. By having paid ads on your blog, such as ads posted by Google ad sense, will enable you go make a sizable income. As your blog grows, so will the number of sponsors, eventually you may be in a position to quit your day job.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about selling and making a commission of your sales skills. You get to sell other people's products and services and earn a commission off the sales you make. Sounds simple enough! However you will need to pick an industry that interests you.

Start your own E-commerce website

Starting your online business will not make you millions overnight. Before you start you will need to do some research and think about what service you can provide easily, without having to bend over backwards to service you customers. Some of the most successful online businesses are design businesses, internet marketing and copywriting. Making money of the service you provide will take some time, and its success will purely depend upon your connections within that given industry.

Social Networking

There are many social networking sites out on the internet today. Some of the ones I have found to be very useful for me are, Facebook, Twitter, Digg,My Space and Stumbleupon. These site rank high with Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other search engines on the internet. Get involved with these sites and add value to them, don't just try and advertise your business as people want something of value. Do this and you will eventually get free traffic from this method of marketing.

Dan Chapman is successful internet marketer who's team trains and mentors people around the world on how to become successful internet marketers.


The Internet is King by Gopal D

The Internet is here to stay. It has revolutionized everything we do from the way we communicate with friends and family, share information, network, shop, monitor our finances, get the latest news and entertainment, and of course, the way companies and individuals are doing business. Leveraging the awesome power that this technology has to offer is an absolute necessity to stay competitive in today's market. An Internet marketing plan allows you to define your potential market and maximize your chances of success. Whether you are marketing a product or service of your own, or someone else's as an affiliate, the concept is exactly the same. You need to target your most likely customers amongst the hundreds of millions of people who are surfing the net every second, and get them interested in what you have to offer. Let's look at some things you must consider when planning your Internet marketing plan.

Your Internet attack plan can be broken down into two fundamental components. The first is to have a simple yet effective website where you can advertise what you are marketing and the second is to drive as much targeted traffic to your website as possible. You can have the most amazing website but if no one sees it, you're done. Internet marketing does not need to cost any money, at least not in the beginning stages of your online marketing campaign. All you have to invest is time and energy and to do it consistently. There are plenty of great methods of driving targeted traffic to your website that are absolutely FREE. I will discuss several of them in more detail soon so please stay tuned. Now back to the plan. Whether you are in direct sales or in network marketing, the following items will help you be more successful in the Internet Age. Start by carefully assessing your clientele's specifics such as the target age group, income level, educational level, and the reason for them to be attracted to your website.

Once you have answered these key questions you must design your site to meet their needs. Custom fit your website to their tastes and pique their curiosity so you can keep their attention. There are so many interesting websites and businesses out there that you have an extremely short window of time to make a special connection with your viewers. The objective is to turn as many interested viewers into A) customers for your products/services and B) members of your team if you are seeking new business partners. Make sure you have all of your contact information clearly visible on your site so your prospects can reach you anytime and more importantly have some way for you to be able to get their contact info such as a guest book or mailing list that they can subscribe to by simply entering their name and email address. Build trust with your clientele and never be pushy. This in turn will build loyalty, and they will want to come back. This is the essence of ''Attraction Marketing''. Keep in touch with your mailing list members by sending them pertinent emails with updates on your business and other interesting information, ideas, thoughts of the day etc...By having presented your business in a concise manner and gotten targeted traffic to view your site you will have succeeded in exposing brand new people to your business that you would never have otherwise.

Building your list of contacts is key to having success so you should always be mindful of how will you gain new customers and/or recruit new business leaders, or both. Will your website need a shopping cart for all e-commerce needs? What about a secure server certificate? Will you need to accept major credit cards or will you work through a third party? Designing your website with the customer's ease in mind will make them that much more open to doing business with you. The old fashioned way of doing direct sales and MLM has been proven to work time and time again. The business model is sound but results often take a long time and unfortunately many people quit before they get them. A strong online presence can significantly aid in increasing your productivity in less time. Complementing the old school approach with a cutting edge modern Internet marketing one will only benefit you and your business by letting the floodgates of the Internet burst open and shower you with all of its wonderful possibilities.

Gopal (The Musical Mad Scientist and Entrepreneur)
